Blackheath Public School

A community-based school offering an outstanding education.

Telephone02 4787 8253

Anzac Day Parade

There will be two services commemorating Anzac Day in Blackheath on 25th April.

·        Dawn service at War Memorial, commencing at 6.30am

·        Anzac Day March and service, commencing at 10am – meet at the BHMV Sub-Branch RSL Club in Bundarra St, Blackheath

Students are welcome to attend either or both services. Members of the leadership team will be taking part in the march and main service.

Students who are participating in the march need to assemble at the RSL hall by 10 a.m. on 25th April. Following the march, there will be a service at the War Memorial that will commence at 10.45 a.m. There will also be a dedication of the ANZAC gates at Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park at approximately 11.30am. Students who are attending the march and service should report to Mrs Hardge at the RSL.

Please refer attached note for further details.