What a fun night we had at the Term 1 disco! A huge thank you to all the parent volunteers, students and school staff who helped out on the night. Thanks also to Kath and her team of volunteers for the disco food packs and delicious baked goods sold on the night.
The event would not have been possible without the time and efforts of Katharine and Mareike. We are excited to share that the disco raised around $1000 that will go towards supporting school programs.
A special shout out and thank you to Blackheath Vegie Patch who have been generously donating fruit and vegetables to our school canteen.
Our next P&C meeting is on 17th March at 6pm, and everyone is welcome to join us. If you are unable to make the meeting but can help volunteer at an event throughout the year, please email: blackheathpandc@gmail.com